Create NFT/SDA on Litecoin Blockchain
Wallet Name
The name you used or generated in wallet creationEncrypted Passphrase
Your wallet encrypted passphrase that was obtained during creation of walletNFT Name
Please Note that NFT Name should not contain space.Description
The description of the Collection to be created, this should be more than 20 characters but less of equals 256 charactersAddress
The address to create the NFT, this address must belong to the specified wallet aboveRoyalty
The percentage of the resale value of an NFT that is paid to the original creatorURL
Any existing domain to be attached to the NFTQuantity
Quantity of NFT to be createdNFT File URL
The URL of the actual art to be created or mintedProperty Id
The property identifier is a digit acquired during the creation of an NFT collection, which you can utilize to assign the NFT.Select File Type
The type of NFT to be created, for example Image, Video, Audio or Text (pdf)Serialised Attribute (Optional Metadata)
Choose Plan
Select a plan. Enterprise plan ensure you have purchased either the LP(With Tokenization) or LP(Without Tokenization) on Azure While Pteri Plus LiaaS entails registering on , acquiring a key, and then subscribing for access.© Kakr Labs. All rights reserved. Pteri is a product of Kakr Labs, designed to simplify and accelerate Web3 development on the Litecoin blockchain. Unauthorized use, duplication, or distribution of any content, graphics, or trademarks from this site is strictly prohibited.
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